Brand history

The SJF Company logo comes from a Past Life Research experience that took place on May 9th, 1999.
The painter Maria Pia Izzo (who is not an artist by trade) created it exclusively using the fingers of her left hand (she’s usually clockwise), in front of a group of witnesses, during a Past Life Seminar .
The portrayed man was born at the end of the eighteenth century in Ireland. He chose to organize its life looking for a formula that would encourage people to live our singular life in the best way for us and for those we love. In march 2012, SJF Company’s managers transformed the painting in a brand.
The first collection started with the production of women’s/men’s t-shirts. Soon after, the production was enriched with precious scarves and cashmere caps. Looking at the brand’s graphics and its elaborations, other designs emerged that Maria Pia and Eva, the brand’s designers, have been able to enhance. When they realized the falling tuft of hair on the forehead of the man in the SJFCompany logo, they drew the cat that has now become a precious piece of jewelry completely made in Italy.
The graphic elaboration has a very important meaning for the brand and its staff: it represents the metaphor of human creativity capable of translating the vision-dream into real and tangible objects.
Maria Pia and Eva have extrapolated other graphic ideas by observing the SJFCompany brand for which they do not rule out other exciting surprises in the future.